Second International Conference on Technologies for Smart Green Connected Societies

Kasper Moth-Poulsen,
Professor, Department of Chemistry, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Professional info​
Professor Kasper Moth-Poulsen (b. 1978-07-07) is a research leader in the field of nano-chemistry, energy storage materials and synthetic chemistry. His research activities focus on the development of methods to address single molecules and innovative technologies for solar thermal energy storage. KMP studied organic chemistry at the University of Copenhagen where he obtained the Cand. Scient. (2003) and Ph.D. (2007) degrees under the supervision of prof. Thomas Bjørnholm. After the Ph.D. degree, he worked as a postdoc. in the Bjørnholm lab. In 2009, he continued his career abroad as a postdoctoral associate at the College of Chemistry at U.C. Berkeley, where he worked with professors Rachel Segalman and Peter Vollhardt. In 2011 KMP was recruited to Chalmers University of Technology, as an assistant professor. In 2014 he was promoted to associate professor in 2017 to professor (bitr. prof.) and in 2019 full professor. KMP is one of the founders of Chalmers Materials Analysis Laboratory. Since 2020 KMP is the head of the division of applied chemistry at Chalmers. Since October 2021 KMP is awarded a professor position at the Catalan Institute of Advanced Studies (ICREA) and joins the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) as a professor.
KMP has attended several extended courses in teaching, supervision and leadership, including a ´ leadership program offered to newly appointed faculty at Chalmers recruited through the AoA initiative lead by Peter Lysell, a leadership program lead by the former rector of Chalmers Jan-Eric Sundgren offered for recipients of the SSF future leaders grant, and is currently attending a program for recipients of the Wallenberg Academy Fellow grant, lead by Wallenberg academy fellows lead by prof. Sven Lidin (Lund)
KMP leads a research group of approximately 10 PhD students and post docs and a number of bachelors, masters and visiting students. KMP associate editor of Journal of Materials Chemistry C, and Materials Advances. He is a frequent reviewer for major publishers such as Nature, ACS, RSC and Wiley. KMP has also reviewed for various funding agencies, including, the Swedish Research Council (VR), the German Research Foundation (DFG), the ACS Petroleum Research Fund, the US Department of Energy (DOE), the European research council (ERC), the Swiss National Research Council (SNF), the Chilean Research Council (FONDECYT) and the Dutch Research Council (NWO).​ KMP is active in several start-ups and spin-out companies from his research group, including Con-Science AB, Solartes AB and NanoScientifica Scandinavica AB.
2021- ICREA professor
2021- Professor at ICMAB-CSIC (Barcelona)
2020-2021 Head of Division of Applied Chemistry (≈15 PI's, ≈100 employees)
2020- Associate editor of J. Mater. Chem. C and Materials Adv.
2019- Full Professor at Chalmers University of Technology
2017- 2019 professor at Chalmers University of Technology
2014-2017: Associate professor at Chalmers University of Technology 2011-2014: Assistant professor at Chalmers University of Technology
2009-2010: Post Doc with Peter Vollhardt and Rachel Segalman at UC Berkeley.
2007-2009: Post Doc with Thomas Bjørnholm at the University of Copenhagen.
2007 PhD with Thomas Bjørnholm and Jørn B. Christensen at the University of Copenhagen.
2006 Master of Science in Organic Chemistry with Thomas Bjørnhom and Jørn B. Christensen at the University of Copenhagen
Distinctions, scholarships and awards
2022: Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)
2021: Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK (FRSC).
2021: Göran Gustafsson Prize in Chemistry from The Royal Swedish Academy of Science.
2020: Norblad-Ekstrand Medal from the Swedish Chemical Society.
2020: Consolidator Grant, European Research Council (2 MEUR, 2021-26).
2020: Consolidator Grant, Swedish Research Council (12 MSEK, 2021-27).
2019: Visiting Professor of Southeastern University.
2019: Arnbergska Prize from The Royal Swedish Academy of Science.
2014: Wallenberg Academy Fellow (7.5+5 M SEK).
2014: Thieme "Early Excellence in Physical Organic Chemistry" .
2014: invited contributor to emerging investigator issues of Chem. Comm. and J. Mater. Chem.
2013: recipient of SSF future research leader grant (10 M SEK).
2013: recipient of ERC Starting grant (1.5 M EUR).
2013: Stipend from HM King Carl XVI Gustaf's foundation for science, technology and the environment (85k SEK).
1997: National and International Chemistry Olympics, (representing Denmark as 1 of the 4 selected students at the Annual Chemistry Olympics competition for high school students), Montreal, Canada.
KMP has received several grants and awards, including an ERC starting grant, SSF future research leaders grant, Wallenberg Academy Fellow Grant, Arnbergska prize from the Royal Swedish Academy of Science 2019. Thieme Chemistry Journal Award 2014. He has also received the prestigious stipend from HM King Carl XVI Gustaf's foundation for science, technology and the environment for his work on molecular solar thermal systems.