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Second International Conference on Technologies for Smart Green Connected Societies

SPAST Foundation
SPAST is pronounced as spaá¹£á¹a (in Sanskrit) meaning clear/clarity, apparent, distinct, manifest.
SPAST is a platform that was created by like-minded academicians, Scientists, Engineers and Entrepreneurs. The long-term ambition of SPAST is to empower the sustainable development goals (SDG) of the United Nations through the cultivation of good research practices.
Note: SPAST foundation is the parent body of International Conference on Technologies for Smart Green Connected Societies (ICTSGS)
Sec.1. SPAST is a non-profit section 8 company registered under the Indian ministry of corporate affairs.
Sec.2. Its purposes are: (a) scientific and educational, directed toward the advancement of the theory and practice of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Management; means to these ends include, but are not limited to, the holding of meetings for the presentation and discussion of professional papers, the publication and circulation of works of literature, science and art pertaining thereto and any other activities necessary, suitable and proper for the fulfillment of these objectives; (b) professional, directed toward the advancement of the standing of the members of the professions it serves; means to this end include, but are not limited to, the conduct and publication of surveys and reports on matters of professional concern to the members of such professions, collaboration with public bodies and with other societies for the benefit of the engineering professions as a whole and the general public, and the promotion of ethical conduct.
The SPAST shall venture to empower sustainable development goals (SDGs) through the constructive application of research and scientific methods. It shall enterprise to motivate every individual, community, societies to understand the benefits and implementation of research/and scientific methods.
Sec. 3. The character of its scope is transnational and the territory in which its operations are to be conducted is the entire world. In addition to its worldwide operations, SPAST and its associated organizations may engage in activities directed to the interests and needs of members residing in a particular country or area of the world. The procedure for undertaking such activities shall be specified in the Bylaws. The interested party can mail us to avail the PDF copy of the Bylaws.
Sec. 1. Bylaws shall be established as hereinafter set forth, to govern the operations and administration of the SPAST and associates. The term "Bylaws" as used in this Constitution refers only to SPAST Bylaws.
Sec. 2. Proposed Bylaw changes and reasons therefore shall be sent to all SPAST Directors (from now onwards shall be referred to as Executive Board), at least 15 days before the stipulated meeting of the Executive Board at which the vote shall be taken. The votes of two-thirds of the members of the Executive Board present and entitled to vote, at the time of the vote, provided a quorum is present, shall be required to approve any new Bylaw, amendment or revocation. The Executive Board would consist for now two directors and one deputy. The composition of the Executive Board shall always comprise of an odd number of members. The results of the Voting shall only be communicated to the relevant parties on whom the Executive Board decisions are applicable.
Sec.3. All matters about the functioning of the SPAST- chairs, consultants, editorial staff, instructors are governed by the Executive Board.
Sec.4. For decision making, amendments and voting, the Executive Board shall rely on the recommendations made by the chair, consultants, editorial staff, and instructors. The final decision authority lies with the Executive Board alone.
Sec.5. Any decisions made by the Executive Board, which have taken into consideration the external or internal expert panel is defined as the Proper-channel.
Sec. 6. The Executive board alone has the voting or decision-making rights pertaining to all activities of SPAST and associate bodies.
SPAST Support team:
All queries can be directed to SPAST's support team
Namratha MP, email: .
Murali Krishna, email: .
SPAST Journals and Abstracts.
SPAST foundation owns two online publishing platforms.
1. S-Cube: Sustainable Solutions and Society
2. SPAST Abstracts: Online collection of all SPAST and ICTSGS abstracts.
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